Monday-Friday: 08:00-17:00

Vision, mission and values

The Bendkopp trademark has been registered with OSIM since 2000. In order to meet the increasingly diverse demands of a market oriented to quality, time and cost, Bendkopp offers optimal solutions in the field of fastening technology and fixing systems. Bendkopp focuses strongly on customer orientation, which is why we always try to strengthen partnerships based primarily on collaboration contracts. Today, the coverage area is at national level. For this purpose, we have a professional team, with 65 friendly and highly qualified employees. They are at your disposal at all stages of our collaboration, from quotation requests to processing and delivery of orders.
Alongside a comprehensive stock of standard and special items, we place great emphasis on consulting services, applications, maintenance and customer service. We offer our clients personalized services according to their needs.


The information system of the products management is at its second generation, it is over 10 years old and is in continuous development.
With the help of the bar code system, our products have the traceability of their origin. The delivery of the products to the client can be done both through the own car park, consisting of 25 cars, as well as through 3 courier companies with which we collaborate.
For each client there is a sales agent who is responsible and who responds promptly to the requests for products and ensures the delivery of orders within the set time. In the case of long-term partnerships, collaboration contracts are issued and are treated with special attention. These contracts oblige us to deliver 100% of the orders. Bendkopp is ready to provide solutions if the client asks for it. The products can be standard or as per drawing.
With the help of timely deliveries, we come to the aid of the beneficiary, who can accurately calculate his production plan. Bendkopp has developed its own Kanban system for companies where product orders are repetitive. With the help of the WMS system, our products are always at an optimized level.

Quality awareness, flexibility and innovation are important elements of the Bendkopp business. Lately, in the world market, there is a special attention on finding solutions for progress in the field of fasteners, their number exceeding 120,000 articles.
Our philosophy: big things are assembled with small pieces, but that doesn't mean they are not important, on the contrary, they are essential in manufacturig quality products. Bendkopp, thanks to its excellent organization, has received the ISO9001 certification since 2006. In order to keep up with the latest trends in the field, the Bendkopp team participates annually in 3-4 exhibitions in European and Worldwide.
The companies management is in permanent contact with the Cluj university environment. Employees participate in several qualification and training courses. Our door is always open for youth looking for a challenge, a progressive, innovative and well paid job.

Contact us
Veres Karoly Managing Director
Veres Károly – Managing Director
  • Veres Károly Managing Director starts the business on April 1, 1994 with a partner, the first clients being from the electronic domain. In November 1994, the two partners split and so S.C. Bendkopp Electro S.R.L. is being established with a small warehouse in the basement of a block.

  • In January, the first information system appears, which by continuous development satisfies our requirements until 2007 when the second information system is launched.

  • In January, the Bendkopp Shop opens in Cluj, on Fabricii de Chibrituri street no. 6. Over the years, the location develops through the acquisition of several neighboring buildings, respectively the houses from no. 6, 8, 10, and 12.

  • We purchase a 17000 sqm piece of land, at 20 km from Cluj Napoca, in the village of Căpușu Mare, 4 km from the A3 motorway.

  • The warehouse is being built on Fabricii de Chibrituri street with a capacity of 500 tons.

  • The 2200 sqm warehouse is being built, with a capacity of 3000 tons. Also offices are opened with VPN connection with the other working points in Cluj and Bucharest.

  • The working point in Bucharest is opened, located on Alexandriei street no. 118, which consists of offices and a warehouse.

  • The working point inside the building of the ICPIAF is opened on Fabricii de Chibrituri street, no. 13-21


Call us! Your partner for assembly parts and fastening systems.